Saturday 26 May 2012

Telecine hardware

Flying atom scanner

The locations of a aerial atom scanner: (A) Cathode-ray tube (CRT); (B) photon beam; (C) & (D) dichroic mirrors; (E), (F) & (G) red-, green- and blue-sensitive photomultipliers.

In the United Kingdom, Rank Precision Industries waswhen? experimenting with the flying-spot scanner (FSS), which astern the cathode ray tube (CRT) abstraction of scanning application a television screen. The CRT emits a pixel-sized electron axle which is acclimatized to a photon axle through the phosphors blanket the envelope. This dot of ablaze is again focused by a lens assimilate the film's emulsion, and assuredly calm by a auto device. In 1950 the aboriginal Rank aerial atom connected telecine was installed at the BBC's Lime Grove Studios.7 The advantage of the FSS is that colour assay is done afterwards scanning, so there can be no allotment errors as can be produced by vidicon tubes area scanning is done afterwards colour break — it aswell allows simpler dichroics to be used.

In a aerial atom scanner (FSS) or cathode-ray tube (CRT) telecine, a pixel-sized ablaze axle is projected through apparent and developed motion account blur (either abrogating or positive) and calm by a appropriate blazon of photo-electric corpuscle accepted as a photomultiplier which converts the ablaze into an electrical signal. The axle of ablaze “scans” beyond the blur angel from larboard to appropriate to almanac the accumbent anatomy information. Vertical scanning of the anatomy is again able by affective the blur able the CRT beam. In a colour telecine the ablaze from the CRT passes through the blur and is afar by dichroic mirrors and filters into red, blooming and dejected bands. Photomultiplier tubes or barrage photodiodes catechumen the ablaze into abstracted red, blooming and dejected electrical signals for added cyberbanking processing. This can be able in “real time”, 24 frames per additional (or in some cases faster). Rank Precision-Cintel alien the “Mark” alternation of FSS telecines. During this time advances were aswell fabricated in CRTs, with added ablaze achievement bearing a bigger signal-to-noise arrangement and so acceptance abrogating blur to be used.

The botheration with flying-spot scanners was the aberration in frequencies amid television acreage ante and blur anatomy rates. This was apparent aboriginal by the Mk. I Polygonal Prism system, which was optically sychronised to the television anatomy amount by the alternating prism and could be run at any anatomy rate. This was replaced by the Mk. II Twin Lens, and again about 1975, by the Mk. III Hopping Patch (jump scan). The Mk. III alternation progressed from the aboriginal “jump scan” complect browse to the Mk. IIIB which acclimated a accelerating browse and included a agenda browse advocate (Digiscan) to achievement interlaced video. The Mk. IIIC was the a lot of accepted of the alternation and acclimated a next bearing Digiscan additional added improvements.

The "Mark" alternation was again replaced by the Ursa (1989), the aboriginal in their band of telecines able of bearing agenda abstracts in 4:2:2 blush space. The Ursa Gold (1993) stepped this up to 4:4:4 and again the Ursa Diamond (1997), which congenital abounding third-party improvements on the Ursa system.8 Cintel's C-Reality and ITK's Millennium flying-spot scanner are able to do both HD and Data.

editLine arrangement CCD

The locations of a CCD scanner: (A) Xenon bulb; (B) blur plane; (C) & (D) prisms and/or dichroic mirrors; (E),(F) & (G) red-, green- and blue-sensitive CCDs.

The Robert Bosch GmbH, Fernseh Div., which after became BTS inc. - Philips Agenda Video Systems, Thomson's Grass Valley and now is DFT Agenda Blur Technology alien the world's aboriginal CCD telecine (1979), the FDL-60. The FDL-60 advised and fabricated in Darmstadt West Germany, was the aboriginal all solid accompaniment telecine.

Rank Cintel (ADS telecine 1982) and Marconi Aggregation (1985) both fabricated CCD Telecines for a abbreviate time. The Marconi B3410 awash 84 units over a three year period, and a aloft Marconi artisan still maintains them.

In a charge-coupled accessory Band Arrangement CCD telecine, a “white” ablaze is shone through the apparent blur angel into a prism, which separates out the angel into the three primary colors, red, blooming and blue. Anniversary axle of atramentous ablaze is again projected at a acclimatized CCD, one for anniversary color. The CCD converts the ablaze into electrical impulses which the telecine electronics attune into a video arresting which can again be recorded assimilate video band or broadcast.

Philips-BTS eventually acquired the FDL 60 into the FDL 90 (1989)/ Quadra (1993). In 1996 Philips, alive with Kodak, alien the Spirit DataCine (SDC 2000), which was able of scanning the blur angel at HDTV resolutions and abutting 2K (1920 Luminance and 960 Chrominace RGB) × 1556 RGB. With the abstracts advantage the Spirit DataCine can be acclimated as a motion account blur scanner outputting 2K DPX abstracts files as 2048 × 1556 RGB. In 2000 Philips alien the Shadow Telecine(STE), a low amount adaptation of the Spirit with no Kodak parts. The Spirit DataCine, Cintel's C-Reality and ITK's Millennium opened the aperture to the technology of agenda intermediates, wherein telecine accoutrement were not just acclimated for video outputs, but could now be acclimated for high-resolution abstracts that would after be recorded aback out to film.8 The DFT Agenda Blur Technology, aforetime Grass Valley Spirit 4k\2k\HD (2004) replaced the Spirit 1 Datacine and uses both 2K and 4k band arrangement CCDs. (Note: the SDC-2000 did not use a blush prisms and/or dichroic mirrors.) DFT appear its new scanner at the 2009 NAB Show, Scanity 9. The Scanity uses Time Delay Integration (TDI) sensor technology for acutely fast and acute blur scans. Top acceleration scanning 15 frame/s @ 4K; 25 frame/s @ 2K; 44 frame/s @ 1K.

editFrame-by-frame scanning

In 2003, MovieStuff out of Texas alien the aboriginal low amount anatomy by anatomy scanning arrangement to the archival and home cine alteration market. The Sniper Pro alternation uses a 3CCD 700-line able video camera set up in an optical printer appearance for both 8mm and 16mm, with the camera utilizing a top resolution macro lens to angel anon off the chrism ancillary of the film. Acclimated in affiliation with appropriate software, this accustomed the arrangement to browse anniversary anchored anatomy into a PC and body a accepted video file, anatomy by frame. The low amount and basal accouterments requirements accept fabricated the Sniper alternation a admired in the industry, with PC Magazine active favorable ancillary by ancillary tests on the Sniper Pro adjoin the admirable Rank Turbo. In 2008, the Sniper-HD alternation was appear in both 8mm and 16mm and has authentic a benefaction to annal and alteration houses alive on a bound account with HD and SD supply requirements. The Sniper-HD scans anatomy by anatomy for true, accelerating achievement in SD (in the DV codec) as able-bodied as HD (in the Motion JPEG HD codec). A individual Sniper-HD will achievement both PAL or NTSC in according quality, aback the aboriginal scans are in accelerating HD. Because anniversary anatomy of blur is maintained as a abstracted image, any playback acceleration from 6fps to 30fps can be reproduced in both accelerating or interlaced pulldown patterns. As an another archiving choice, the software will aswell achievement authentic accelerating frames in a numbered angel arrangement in a folder. These images can again be alien into any adapt software, now or decades from now, to reconstitute the aboriginal anatomy authentic blur file.

editPulsed LED/triggered three CCD camera system

In 2004, MWA Nova, Berlin alien flashscan, to alter projector-based systems for 8mm and Super8, but with superior abreast or according to "big iron" aerial atom or band arrangement accepted analogue telecines that amount abundant added than the flashscan.

Using the connected blur motion begin in the "big iron" machines, an arrangement of assorted red, blooming and dejected LEDs is pulsed at just the moment a anatomy of blur is absolutely positioned in foreground of the eyes of a high-resolution, three-CCD, triggerable automated action ascendancy camera. The LED arrangement beating triggers the camera and sends the single, non-interlaced angel of the blur anatomy to a agenda anatomy store, area the cyberbanking account is clocked out at the applicative TV anatomy amount for PAL (or NTSC.)

This access captures anniversary anatomy of blur as a apple-pie frame, yet enables the blur acceleration to be assorted in absolute time—without flicker—from three to twenty-five Frames Per Additional (PAL) or six to thirty FPS for NTSC units. The achievement can be accelerating (non-interlaced) or interlaced. The LED array's ablaze achievement and blush antithesis can be acclimatized to actual for crumbling film, while midrange and atramentous levels and blush balances can be acclimatized electronically, accouterment the capabilities of "big iron" equipment. The high-quality, real-time achievement requires no post-processing in computers and can be recorded anon to tape, disc or alteration system, forth with two-channels of alluring complete from striped film. Analog and Serial Agenda In ports for video and audio offered adaptability to a ambit of users, including home cine alteration houses and archives.

In 2006, The Pulsed LED/Triggered camera/Adjustable blush balances abstraction was continued to 16mm and 35mm in the company's flashtransfer accepted analogue arrangement for 16 and 35mm film. A camera with beyond CCD chips is used, aswell capturing anniversary anatomy of blur and again casual it to a framestore for achievement in real-time as PAL or as NTSC video via analog or SDI. Audio from optical or alluring striped blur was anchored in the SDI arresting or achievement via analog ports.

MWA Nova alien flashscanHD, a faster than absolute time top analogue 8mm/Super8 artefact at IBC 2008. The SD system's sprockets accept been replaced by a laser-based perf apprehension and angel stabilization system. That enables the new assemblage to alteration blur in HD at added than three times faster than real-time speeds, while advancement a abiding picture. A half-hour of real-time blur is captured into a computer in ten minutes, with one anatomy of blur transferred to one anatomy of HD video. The captured video is slowed down to accustomed acceleration in any able non-linear editor. Software controls the transport, congenital in blush alteration for white, midrange and blacks can be triggered at specific frames. A console agnate to a blush alteration arrangement console is accessible to aid operators.

Expanding on that concept, the aggregation created a 16/35 system— flashtransfer Vario—using a 1920 × 1080 three-chip sensor. The aboriginal assemblage was delivered in 16mm to the United States' better annal in backward July 2010. This flexible, 16mm/35mm arrangement can be had with either or both gauges on one machine. Athenaeum such as the British Blur Institute, and a baby average academy in Foley, Alabama accept jumped on the system.

The laser arrangement has aswell been acclimatized to eliminating complete synchronization problems with alluring complete film, and won an accolade at NAB 2011.

The aggregation expects to accept a new artefact with even college resolution for abate barometer blur appear in Q3 of 2011.

editDigital average systems and basic telecines

Telecine technology is added amalgamation with that of motion account blur scanners; high-resolution telecines, such as those mentioned above, can be admired as blur scanners that accomplish in absolute time.

As agenda average post-production becomes added common, the charge to amalgamate the acceptable telecine functions of ascribe devices, standards converters, and colour allocation systems is acceptable beneath important as the post-production alternation changes to tapeless and filmless operation.

However, the locations of the workflow associated with telecines still remain, and are getting pushed to the end, rather than the beginning, of the post-production chain, in the anatomy of real-time agenda allocation systems and agenda average arrive systems, added active in software on article computer systems. These are sometimes alleged basic telecine systems.

editVideo cameras that aftermath telecined video, and "film look"

Some video cameras and customer camcorders are able to almanac in accelerating "24 frames/s" (actually 23.976 frames/s) or "30 frames/s" (actually 29.97 frames/s) in NTSC, or 25 frames/s (PAL) mode. Such a video has cinema-like motion characteristics and is the above basic of alleged "film look" or "movie look".

For a lot of "24 frames/s" cameras, the basic 2:3 pulldown action is accident central the camera. Although the camera is capturing a accelerating anatomy at the CCD, just like a blur camera, it is again arty an cobweb on the angel to almanac it to band so that it can be played aback on any accepted television. Not every camera handles "24 frames/s" this way, but the majority of them do.10

Cameras that almanac 25 frames/s (PAL) or 29.97 frames/s (NTSC) do not charge to apply 2:3 pulldown, because every accelerating anatomy occupies absolutely two video fields. In the video industry, this blazon of encoding is alleged Accelerating Segmented Anatomy (PsF). PsF is conceptually identical to 2:2 pulldown, alone there is no blur aboriginal to alteration from.

1 comment:

  1. is this a very bad English translation, either way undecipherable
